Alessandro Gori

Alessandro Gori


Medlem af:

    Lektor i arabisk sprog og litteratur.

    Primære forskningsområder

    Islamiske litterære traditioner i Afrikas Horn; moderne og klassisk arabisk litteratur; islamiske manuskripter; islamisk kulturarv i Afrika.


    Klassisk Arabisk Litteratur; Moderne Arabisk Litteratur; Arabisk sprogvidenskab

    Aktuel forskningsprojekt

    Principal Investigator Islam in the Horn of Africa: A Comparative Literary Approach (European Research Council, Advanced Grant no. 322849 for the period 2013-2018;

    COST Action 18129 (til mars 2023) - Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750);|Name:overview

    Udvalgte publikationer

    Seven Gravestones at the Muslim Tana Baru Cemetery in Cape Town : A Descriptive Note. / Gori, Alessandro.

    The Arts and Crafts of Literacy. : Islamic Manuscript Cultures in Sub-Saharan Africa. red. / Andrea Brigaglia; Mauro Nobili. Bind Studies in Manuscript Cultures 12 Walter de Gruyter, 2017. s. 313-330.

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    Some Observations on the Text of šayḫ Hāšim’s Fatḥ al-raḥmānī. / Gori, Alessandro.

    I: Aethiopica, Bind 19, Nr. 2016, 2017, s. 135-148.

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    Some Observations on Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts in the Islamic Tradition of the Horn of Africa. / Gori, Alessandro.

    One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts. red. / Michael Friedrich; Cosima Schwarke. Bind 9 Berlin-Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2016. s. 155-169.

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