Nina Grønlykke Mollerup

Nina Grønlykke Mollerup


Min forskning undersøger hvordan billeder af vold bliver til og hvordan de bruges til at etablere sandheder og narrativer i juridiske, journalistiske, aktivistiske, historiske og andre sammenhænge. Jeg er blandt andet interesseret i hvordan billeders betydning ændrer sig over tid og hvordan de er med til at etablere relationer mellem mennesker, specielt i forhold til menneskerettigheder og retfærdighedsprocesser. Jeg samarbejder med en række civilsamfundsorganisationer, der på forskellige måder arbejder med billeder fra krig og konflikter.  

Jeg er uddannet antropolog fra Københavns Universitet (2009). Jeg er specialiseret i Mellemøsten og har udført etnografiske feltarbejder i Egypten, Syrien og Europa.

Jeg leder projektet Views of Violence: Images as Documentary, Evidentiary and Affective (Sapere Aude 2023-26) og deltager i Archiving the Future: Re-Collections of Syria in War and Peace (Sapere Aude 2020-24, PI: Andreas Bandak). Jeg står endvidere for Sensory Media Anthropology (finansieret af et NOS-HS Exploratory Workshop grant, 2022-23) sammen med Meri Kytö (University of Turku) og Niamh Ní Bhroin (University of Agder). Jeg er chair for e-seminarrækken under Media Anthropology Network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA). Desuden er jeg medgrundlægger og co-convenor af EASAs Sensory Media Anthropology Network

Primære forskningsområder

  • Billeder af vold
  • Menneskerettigheder
  • Retfærdighed
  • Journalistik
  • Mellemøsten
  • Sociale bevægelser
  • Konflikt og vold
  • Medieantropologi
  • Det sensoriske
  • Mediers materialiteter
  • Futuremaking

Aktuel forskning

Views of Violence:

The Views of Violence project produces knowledge about how images of violence influence accountability, justice and work for human rights, focusing particularly on the significance of how, why and by whom the images were produced. The project contends that locations of cameras, intentions behind filming and modes of filming – what the project calls 'views of violence' – matters. Through ethnographic work and in collaboration with pioneering civil society organisations in the field, namely Bellingcat, Mnemonic, WITNESS, International Media Support (IMS) and Amnesty International's Crisis Evidence Lab, the project examines how views of violence affect the way the images are used to establish knowledge in journalistic, legal and social justice contexts. The project works with cases which are selected in collaboration with project partners to ensure attention to a variety of geographical contexts, types of violence, types of documentation and phases of images engagement.

Archiving the Future:

I investigate collective archiving as a vernacular practice through taking into account the broad range of actors involved in the event of photography (Azoulay 2016). The empirical focus of this subproject is Syrian Archive ( and its partners. Syrian Archive is a Syrian-led, Europe-based collective of human rights activists that works to identify, collect, secure the preservation of, verify, and publish images of human rights violations and other crimes committed by all sides in the conflict. Syrian Archive collaborates with a broad range of actors, including organizations such as WITNESS and International Media Support (IMS) to train photographers and develop methods of verification. They host a growing archive of over 3.300,000 collected digital videos and images. When put together, these images form a forceful, collective archive of the war, creating a potential for future justice. With the broad range of actors involved in this form of archiving, the authority and legitimacy of the images are not pre-established. Therefore, this subproject investigates the collection and use of these images, particularly in relation to procedures of verification and evidence (Engelke 2009), acknowledging this as a conversation, which draws into the past as well as the future. 

ID: 185059031