Maria Lindebæk Schmidt Lyngsøe

Maria Lindebæk Schmidt Lyngsøe

Ekstern forsker

My research focuses on Islam in Denmark with a special attention to Muslim women's religious roles and everyday religious practices. Especially, I have researched into educational spheres of learning Islam, and my PhD dissertation showed how and why Danish Muslim women engage in Islamic educational activities. This research was carried out within the realm of the Rearticulating Islam research project, led by Simon Stjernholm and funded by VELUX Fonden. 

My research also attends to questions of what it means to be a religious individual practizing in a complex everyday setting, and I am interested in how religious persons establish and maintain relations to their religious communities and to God in their everyday lives. 

More genereally, I have a special interest into studies of material religion, ontological questions and theory, and theoretical developments within the anthropology of religions. My work is anthropologically and ethnographically based, and I contribute to develop these methods within the field of religious studies in Denmark. 

ID: 216415823