IASS 2021: Memory Culture in Scandinavian Studies

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference

Emilie Dybdal - Deltager

Any study of culture is concerned with remembering in one way or another. By proposing this theme we wished to invite Scandinavian scholars − dealing with issues such as the role of memory in literary imagination or future thinking, or the relation of memory to history; engaging with topics such as cultural memory, collective memory, (re)imagined memory, post memory, the memory of things and place, environmental, digital, visual or textual memory, literary history or canon formation; working in the fields of literary and media studies and specialising in trauma, genre, post-colonial or gender theories, ecocriticism and posthumanism; those who explore early texts and deal with the problems of Old Norse literature or those who study individual writers or the evolution of ideas, styles or language use − to share their findings at this conference. All these topics and approaches can find their place in the conference agenda and it still leaves space for more.
3 aug. 20216 aug. 2021


KonferenceIASS 2021: Memory Culture in Scandinavian Studies
AfholdelsesstedVilnius Universitet (online)


  • iass, International Association for Scandinavian Studies, skandinavistik, skandinavien, memory studies, erindringsstudier, memory culture, erindringskultur, scandinavian studies

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