Between Transnationalism and Localization: The Pan-European TV Miniseries 14 - Diaries of the Great War

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14 –Diaries of the Great War is a transmedial project consisting of a documentary TV-series, a website, a radio programme, a photo book and a museum exhibition, produced for the centenary of World War One in 2014. The project was created by a transnational collaboration and aimed for a transnational audience. The TV-series aspired to create a new kind of historical documentary, showing history as it was experienced by ordinary people. This article compares how 14 – Diaries of the Great War was realised and received in Great Britain, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. We argue that the TV-series, in spite of its transnational origin and ambitions was in effect being localized and re-nationalized, as it was adapted to the presumed preferences of national audiences.
TidsskriftImage [&] Narrative
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)63-79
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2017

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