The Changing Identity of a Living Secular Icon: Al-Mayadeen’s Iconization of Jamila Bouhired

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In December 2013, the pan-Arab TV station Al Mayadeen orchestrated a big public celebration of the former female fighter Jamila Bouhired. In this article, I analyze Al Mayadeen’s celebration of Bouhired as an iconization (Khalili 2009) and investigate how the TV station uses the icon Bouhired to facilitate a particular reading of the past that supports a contemporary political agenda. I investigate how secular icons can take form, develop, and not least become an important tool in a mediatized world where political contests to a large degree are a battle over the symbolic world. By understanding the iconization of Bouhired we understand how the TV station (and the political fractions it represents) reads the past, understands the present, and envisions the future. During the celebration, the Arab uprisings of 2011 are dismissed, while Hezbollah is promoted as the heir of Bouhired’s progressive resistance legacy.
Bidragets oversatte titelEt levende sekulært ikons skiftende identitet: al-Mayadeen's ikonisering af Jamila Bouhired
TidsskriftArab Media & Society
Udgave nummerWinter/Spring
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 15 maj 2019

ID: 255885309