Maximilian Lasa
Undervisningsassistent, Ekstern forsker
My PhD project has the title German Muslims on the International Theology Programme in Turkey. It investigates the educational trajectories of young German Muslim students and alumni of the International Theology Programme (Uluslararası İlahiyat Programı) in Turkey. Thereby, the project unfolds the temporal, spatial, and contingent character of their educational stories and self-making by analysing their motivations for studying theology in Turkey, their experiences on the programme, and the ways in which their studies shaped their understanding of who they are.
Established in 2006, the International Theology Programme is embedded in the distinct scientific field of Islamic theology at Turkish universities. Although it has become a central institution of transnational Islamic higher education, the programme remains understudied. By focusing on the International Theology Programme and placing the experiences and lifeworlds of German students and alumni at the centre of its analytical focus, this research project contributes to both the broader research field of Islamic higher education and research on Muslim self-making.
The PhD project is part of the larger research project Rearticulating Islam: A New Generation of Muslim Religious Leaders financed by THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS, which is led by associate professor Simon Stjernholm. Furthermore, the project is joined by post-doc Kasper Ly Netterstrøm and by Maria Lindebæk Lyngsøe and me as PhD fellows. The project focuses on the phenomenon of a new generation of Muslim religious leaders in northern Europe who are facing particular challenges, possibilities and audiences, which demands a continuous rearticulation of Islam.
ID: 226569024